Pollen Affects Allergy Sufferers
Pollen allergies are caused by airborne pollens, which are in the form of a very fine powder released by trees, grass, and weeds as they pollinate and fertilize other plants of the same kind. Depending on where you live, your sensitivity may vary dramatically.
Pollen causes inflammation and irritation in the nasal passage and symptoms include itchy watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat, hives, fatigue, and irritability. Over 67 million Americans suffer from these negative effects, so you are not alone.
If you think you have allergies, see your doctor. Allergy testing includes skin tests, such as scratch tests, and blood tests. Your doctor can isolate the allergens that affect you. Advancements in medicine have brought relief to many allergy sufferers, so get the help you need.
At Pollen.com we want to give allergy sufferers a good defense against allergies. Since there is no way to avoid pollen, allergy sufferers need a way to monitor pollen levels in their area throughout the year. Many allergy sufferers have found advance warning of high pollen days can help them better manage their symptoms.
Allergy Report Directly to your Inbox
At Pollen.com we want to help you and other allergy sufferers by emailing allergy reports directly to your inbox. These reports are designed to give you accurate and timely information of the pollen count in your location.
Pollen.com will send your first allergy report when pollen conditions reach moderate levels, which is the point where most people experience symptoms, such as hay fever. Pollen will vary from town to town and state to state. Unknown to some, allergies don’t just occur in the spring, but all year round, as our allergy reports demonstrate. Sign up today for our allergy report.
Allergy Report Help Allergy Sufferers
With our accurate allergy pollen count information, you’ll know when the pollen count is high. Allergy reports help you plan for the day ahead and treat your symptoms before they occur, giving you a happier, healthier tomorrow.
No more worrying about spending the day suffering from allergy attacks... get a sneeze-free day with allergy reports emailed directly to your inbox. Sign up today!
Pollen allergies are caused by airborne pollens, which are in the form of a very fine powder released by trees, grass, and weeds as they pollinate and fertilize other plants of the same kind. Depending on where you live, your sensitivity may vary dramatically.
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